Comments on: No, Really, My Friends are Men AND Women English Translation from German, Spanish, and Catalan; English Editing and Writing Thu, 03 Apr 2008 17:21:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: sylvia Thu, 03 Apr 2008 17:21:52 +0000 Uhmmm…I can’t remember the name of a book right now but I know this issue has been discussed on an academic level. This book I mentioned was about ‘ciberlingüística’ or ‘ciberlenguaje’, a new term coined to include this sort of new variations regarding the Spanish language… I haven’t read it so I cannot give you an opinion but I am sure the @ symbol must have been discussed there… And yes, it is used in LA Sp too (if you run a search in Google you’ll find it)… Thanks, I’ll use it whenever I can 😉

By: Casey Wed, 02 Apr 2008 20:32:27 +0000 Yes, I think that the Germans might be using their version of the @ symbol in more formal contexts than the Spaniards. I was surprised to see the Auswärtiges Amt (Foreign Office) getting into the act! Have there been discussions about the @ symbol in public forums in Spain? Do you know if it’s being used colloquially in Latin America too?

I for one think it’s fantastic that you use it so often. Keep it up!

By: sylvia Wed, 02 Apr 2008 19:26:17 +0000 Thanks for the link (!) And well, what can I say? Yep, I am a proud advocate of non-sexist language 😉 but let me tell you that the @ symbol seems to be only allowed in colloquial contexts (e.g. sms messaging, blogs, emails…) sooo…we still have a problem in formal language (newspapers…).
